Before Surgery

How can I prepare for my MTF or FTM before surgery?

The team at ART Surgical will provide you with all the information you need for your MTF or FTM before surgery procedures and answer your questions so you feel prepared. The following may help you understand what to expect.

To ensure you are tended to after your MTF or FTM surgery procedure(s), we will only discharge you into the care of another individual, so coordinate someone to take you home. We recommend enlisting friends and family to help with chores and childcare to allow you time to heal after surgery.

It is critical for you to discuss any and all current medications, including herbs and supplements, with Dr. Angela Rodriguez, so please plan to provide us with a list. You may need to halt taking some of these medications and will need to alter your diet, as well as quit smoking at least one full month prior to the procedure.

Additional instructions will be provided to you prior to your operation to ensure you are prepared and the procedures will be conducted smoothly and safely with the best possible outcome.

A person with platinum blonde hair and a friendly smile stands confidently with their arms crossed. They wear a dark brown t-shirt and a rainbow wristband, symbolizing support for LGBTQ+ inclusivity. Their relaxed and happy demeanor suggests a positive and welcoming attitude

General Transgender Surgery & Procedure FAQs

What is transgender surgery?

Transgender surgery, also known as gender confirmation surgery or gender-affirming surgery, is a medical procedure that helps individuals align their physical appearance with their gender identity.

How do I know if transgender surgery is right for me?

Deciding if transgender surgery is right for you is a personal and individual process. It’s important to consult with qualified healthcare professionals who specialize in transgender healthcare to explore your options and make an informed decision.

What are the risks associated with transgender surgery?

Like any surgical procedure, transgender surgeries carry potential risks, including infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, advancements in surgical techniques and preoperative care have minimized these risks significantly.

How long is the recovery period after transgender surgery?

The recovery period varies depending on the specific procedure and individual healing capabilities. Generally, it can range from a few weeks to a few months. Your healthcare provider will provide you with detailed postoperative care instructions.

Will transgender surgery be covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage for transgender surgery varies depending on your insurance provider, policy, and regional regulations. It’s important to contact your insurance company directly or consult with a knowledgeable healthcare professional to understand your coverage options.

Have questions regarding how to prepare for your procedure(s)? Want to request a copy of your personalized instructions? Please reach out to the team at ART Surgical.