Non-Binary Surgery

ART Surgical and Dr. Angela Rodriguez provide non-binary individuals in San Francisco and across the country with gender-affirming care. Our care center offers several non-binary surgical options. Dr. Rodriguez talks to each patient to understand their transformation goals. Then, she creates a personalized plan for them that might include surgical choices.

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A confident individual with short, teal-tinted hair and a warm smile looks directly at the camera. They're wearing a casual denim jacket over a mustard yellow sweater, with vibrant red headphones around their neck, symbolizing the diverse and inclusive spirit of ART Surgical's non-binary care programs in San Francisco.
A surgeon's gloved hand reaches for precise surgical instruments on a sterile blue draped table, with the focused blur of operating room staff in the background. The scene captures the meticulous and compassionate environment at ART Surgical, where non-binary surgeries like chest or genital reconstruction and facial feminization or masculinization are performed to help individuals align their physical appearance with their gender identity.

What is Non-Binary Surgery?

Non-binary surgery is a type of medical procedure. This surgery assists individuals who do not identify as male or female. These surgeries include operations like chest or genital reconstruction. They can also include facial surgeries to make features more masculine or feminine. They're for people who don't feel they fit into traditional gender categories and seek their bodies to better reflect their true selves. Many non-binary individuals find these surgeries important because they can ease feelings of discomfort with their bodies. However, not all non-binary individuals choose to undergo these surgeries, as each person's journey of self-discovery is unique.

Non-Binary Surgery Options

Non-binary surgeries are personalized to fit each individual’s specific needs and goals. It's important to talk to a doctor who specializes in gender-affirming care. They can help you understand your options and decide what's best based on your goals,, your health, and what you're comfortable with. Dealing with gender dysphoria, the stress from feeling like your gender doesn't match your body, often involves a mix of medical treatments, therapy, and support from family, friends and professionals. Remember, your journey is unique, so take care of yourself every step of the way.

An attentive person with short, platinum blonde hair sits on a bench, engrossed in the information on their laptop screen. They wear a simple white tee and a necklace, epitomizing the individualized approach that ART Surgical takes in discussing non-binary surgery options. The calm outdoor setting suggests a thoughtful and personal exploration of gender-affirming surgeries, emphasizing the importance of making informed decisions that resonate with one’s own sense of self.

Bottom Surgery:

Bottom surgery is a term used for surgeries that change the genitals to match gender identity. The specific surgery depends on your goals and health. Bottom surgery can be an important step to align physical appearance with gender identity.

Phallus-Preserving Vaginoplasty:

Phallus-preserving vaginoplasty creates a neovagina using penile and scrotal tissues while keeping the existing penis. This procedure is often an important choice for individuals who wish to maintain the option of using their penis for sexual function or other reasons. This procedure is also called penile preserving vaginoplasty or Salmacian surgery.


Vulvoplasty, or zero depth vaginoplasty, creates an external vulva but does not include constructing a vaginal canal. Zero depth vaginoplasty may be preferred by non-binary people who do not desire a functional vagina. This achieves a more feminine appearance with limited function.

Vagina-Preserving Phalloplasty:

Vagina-preserving phalloplasty creates a new penis while keeping the existing vagina. The penis is made using tissue from other parts of the body, such as the forearm or thigh, and attaching it to the pelvis. The vagina is left intact to maintain its function and sensation.

Gender Nullification:

Nullification removes or changes genitals without assigning them as male or female. With the removal of external genitalia, these procedures create a continuous form from the abdomen to the groin. Other names include nullo or nullectomy.

Alt text: "A person sits on a hospital bed, gazing out a sunlit window that frames a view of the city beyond. Clad in a blue hospital gown, they embody the reflective moment of recovery after gender-affirming surgery. This peaceful image symbolizes the beginning of a new chapter, resonating with the comprehensive care journey at ART Surgical, from thorough pre-surgery preparation to diligent aftercare and follow-up, ensuring each step is taken with care and understanding towards a successful recovery.

Before and After Non-Binary Procedures

Preparing for gender-affirming surgery involves many steps. First, it’s recommended to have a medical check-up. Some individuals might also need hormone therapy and support from mental health experts. It's crucial to follow pre-surgery care instructions, receive support from loved ones, and fully understand the potential risks and benefits. Planning for recovery is also important, including scheduling follow-up appointments and creating a supportive environment at home.

Recovery and aftercare for non-binary surgeries depend on the type of surgery. In some cases, recovery time will likely be longer, because certain procedures involve moving and changing internal anatomy. Recovery usually includes managing pain and swelling with medication. Your doctor will share specific aftercare instructions. This may consist of proper wound care and hygiene practices. You should rest and limit physical activity during recovery. Attending regular follow-up appointments will also help with a successful recovery.

Patient Stories

Dr. Angela Rodriguez founded ART Surgical to guide each individual on their unique transformative journey. Hear from our patients in San Francisco and across the country as they describe how Dr. Rodriguez has helped them express their true selves.

To learn more about non-binary procedures and how Dr. Angela Rodriguez and her team will guide you through the process, book a one-on-one consultation.

See All Patient Stories
A vibrant and diverse group of seven individuals shares a joyous moment, their laughter and camaraderie on full display against an orange backdrop. The group, consisting of various ethnicities, genders, and expressions, encapsulates the supportive community at ART Surgical. Their genuine smiles and closeness reflect the positive outcomes and personal growth experienced by patients who have journeyed with Dr. Angela Rodriguez and her team, showcasing the life-changing impact of gender-affirming care.

To learn more about non-binary procedures and how Dr. Angela Rodriguez and her team will guide you through the process, book a one-on-one consultation.

Non-Binary Procedures FAQ

What is nullification in the context of non-binary surgeries?

Nullification is a surgical procedure aimed at removing or altering specific genital characteristics without necessarily aligning them with binary male or female genitalia. It is chosen by some non-binary individuals who do not desire traditional male or female genitalia.

What does the nullification procedure involve?

The nullification procedure typically involves removing specific genital tissue or altering it to create a more neutral or non-binary appearance. The exact techniques and procedures used may vary based on individual goals and surgeon expertise.

Can nullification surgery be reversible?

Nullification surgery is typically considered irreversible as it involves altering or removing genital tissue. It’s important to have a thorough discussion with your surgeon about the potential outcomes, risks, and long-term implications before making a decision.

Are there any non-surgical options for nullification?

Non-surgical options for nullification may include the use of clothing, padding, or prosthetics to achieve a desired non-binary genital appearance. These options provide temporary solutions and are not permanent alterations.

What are the factors to consider before undergoing nullification surgery?

Factors to consider before undergoing nullification surgery include personal goals, mental and emotional readiness, understanding the potential physical and psychological implications, and seeking support from qualified healthcare professionals experienced in non-binary healthcare.

Can non-binary individuals access gender-affirming surgeries?

Yes, non-binary individuals can access gender-affirming surgeries. The specific procedures will depend on the individual’s desired physical changes and gender affirmation goals. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider experienced in providing care for non-binary individuals.

Do non-binary individuals need to choose a binary gender for surgery?

No, non-binary individuals are not required to choose a binary gender for surgery. Surgeons specializing in transgender healthcare can work with non-binary individuals to create a personalized treatment plan that respects and supports their gender identity.

Are there any age restrictions for non-binary surgeries?

Age restrictions for non-binary surgeries may vary depending on the specific procedure, regional regulations, and individual circumstances. It’s essential to consult with qualified healthcare professionals who can provide guidance tailored to your situation.

Can non-binary individuals undergo gender-affirming surgeries without hormone therapy?

Yes, non-binary individuals can choose to undergo gender-affirming surgeries without hormone therapy. The decision to undergo hormone therapy is personal and depends on individual preferences and goals.