Understanding Gender Transition
Taking steps toward transgender plastic surgery can be a complex process, and ART Surgical is here to guide you along the way. Gender transition is different for every individual. Depending on what suits you, ART Surgical will help you find the proper steps along your path.
There are various ways to transition, so it is healthy to begin this personal and individualized transition process with deep introspection. Many transgender and gender non-binary people have questions about approaches to or components of gender transition. In general, the first step is to explore your gender identity. Exploring your gender identity can include any combination of internal self-reflection, connecting with community and support groups, or working with a therapist with expertise in gender identity issues. As a result, this process could take anywhere from months to years. Questions to explore include:
- Am I transgender/gender non-binary/gender diverse?
- What exactly is my gender identity?
- How can I develop the needed coping skills, resilience, and social support to help me through transition and to cope with a world that can be biased against, or even dangerous towards, transgender and gender non-binary people?
We at ART Surgical want to help you feel complete in your gender identity. Transitioning is not a direct, one-size-fits-all journey. So, with various paths to match how a person feels on the inside to how a person looks on the outside, the transgender plastic surgery process is about becoming more yourself in your mind and body.
What Are The Steps In a Gender Transition?
Steps in a gender transition may include; changing your clothing, appearance, name, or the pronoun people use to refer to you (like “she,” “he,” or “they”). Now, for many individuals, the first step involves undergoing hormone therapy. As a result with following this process, many other medical procedures are available to change one’s physical characteristics and make their body match the gender they know themselves to be internally. All transgender people are entitled to the same dignity and respect, regardless of whether or not they have been able to take any legal or medical steps.
Some transgender people identify as neither a man nor a woman, many identify as a combination of male and female. So, they use terms like nonbinary or genderqueer to describe their gender identity. Also, those who identify as nonbinary often prefer to be referred to as “they” and “them.”
4 Types of Non-Invasive Physical Transitions

For physical transitions, there are several ways to temporarily or permanently change your body to align with your gender. Individuals can begin non-invasive physical changes to see how it feels before deciding to utilize surgery. For example, these include:
- Chest binding – using binders or sports bras to flatten one’s chest
- Stuffing – using materials like a padded bra, padded underwear, or tissue paper to make your chest, hip, or butt have a fuller appearance
- Tucking – hiding your penis and/or scrotum to reduce bulging for a flatter appearance visually
- Packing – using items like a packer, cup, or balled-up socks to give your groin a bulge
While these solutions listed above are temporary, they can give a person an idea of what it could feel like to have the body of their choice before accessing more permanent transition procedures.
Furthermore, depending upon the desired procedure, patients may need a letter of support from a licensed therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. The letter would confirm the patient’s consistent desire to transition for at least two years while confirming that the patient has been receiving hormone therapy for at least 12 consecutive months.
Types of Transgender Plastic Surgery Offered at ART Surgical
Here are some of the surgeries to consider as you work with our specialists at ART Surgical:
- Breast augmentation
- Vaginoplasty
- Bottom surgery
- Body feminization
- Facial feminization
- Body masculinization
- FTM top surgery
- Facial masculinization
The next steps would be to schedule a consultation with the team at ART Surgical to determine the course of treatment, a discussion of your long-term gender affirmation goals, and an assessment of which procedures would best support your specific journey. Then, you and your surgeon would identify the risks and benefits of the procedures of your choice and what to expect after the surgery. Last, we will review your medications and medical history, discuss a procedure plan, determine insurance coverage, and develop a post-operative care plan. In addition, it will be essential to consider your recovery plan as well because having a support system who can help care for you in the days after your surgery is vital to your continued health.
Ready to Take the Next Step Towards Your Transgender Plastic Surgery?
The team at ART Surgical looks forward to meeting with you to discuss your questions and help you feel the most comfortable in this process. Give us a call, click (415) 680-1120, or fill out the form below to schedule a consultation. We would be honored to work with you!